Homeless Education Policy
In regard to homeless students in our district, Young Scholar’s Academy assures that:
- Barriers to enrollment (such as lack of immunization records, education records, birth certificates, proof of residency, etc.) will not affect the student’s access to enrollment in our school,
- Homeless students will not be segregated or stigmatized on the basis of their status as homeless,
- Equal access will be provided for participation in all instructional and non-instructional services,
- Staff will be trained in the requirements for homeless students,
- Transportation will be provided, at the request of the parent or guardian, to and from the school of origin (if feasible and in the best interest of the student),
- Lunch will be provided at no charge,
- Uniforms will be provided at no charge.
In the case of a dispute, the Dispute Resolution will include the opportunity for the homeless youth to be enrolled in the school of their choice until the dispute is settled. In addition, YSA will deliver a decision on the dispute in writing, and the parent will be notified of their right to appeal to the state.
The homeless liaison for YSA is Tonnie Smith, Director. The liaison ensures that:
- Homeless children are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other agencies,
- Homeless children have equal opportunity to succeed in YSA
- The parents/guardians of homeless children are informed of the education and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in their child’s educational experience,
- Public notice of the educational rights of homeless children is disseminated in places where such children may receive outside services,
- Homeless families and children receive educational services for which they may be eligible, such as Head Start or referrals to outside agencies for appropriate services,
- All enrollment disputes are mediated,
- The parent or guardian is fully informed of all transportation services and us assisted in accessing transportation services,
- Title I funds are only used to provide transportation for students no longer experiencing homelessness, but continue in their School of Origin for the remainder of the academic year,
- A report containing the information which is required by the State Coordinator is transmitted to the appropriated personnel at the State level.