Internet access and email are available to students and teachers in Young Scholar’s Academy. YSA believes the Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, communication and educating minors about digital citizenship including appropriate online behavior, interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, cyber bullying awareness, and response.
While our intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration, exceed any disadvantages; but ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources.
To that end, Young Scholar’s Academy has adopted the following policy:
Acceptable Use - Each user must:
- Maintain supervision of students using the EIS
- Agree to directly log on and supervise the account activity when allowing other to use school accounts
- Take responsibility for assigned personal and school accounts, including password protection.
- Take all responsible precautions, including password maintenance and file and directory protection measures, to prevent the use of personal and district accounts and files by unauthorized persons.
- Follow established student data privacy practices and obtain necessary permissions when considering the use of internet resources.
Unacceptable Uses:
- Users must not share their YSA network credentials with any other individual.
- Users shall not to submit, publish, display or retrieve any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive or illegal material.
- Users shall not use their own computing devices to access the Internet via personal Wi-Fi accounts or by any manner other than connecting through the secure wireless connection provided by the school system.
- Users may not connect or install any computer hardware, hardware components or software, which is their own personal property to and/or in YSA’s EIS without the prior approval of YSA’s Technology Director.
- Users shall not post information that could cause damage or pose a danger of disruption to the operations of the EIS or YSA.
- Users shall not access the network for any non-educational purposes.
- Users shall not use the EIS in any way that would disrupt the use of the EIS by others.
- Users shall not use the EIS for commercial or financial gain, political lobbying, or fraud.
- Users will not gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the files of others or vandalize the data or files of another user.
- Users must not reveal home addresses, personal phone numbers or personally identifiable data unless authorized to do so by designated school authorities.
- Users will not download and use games, files, documents, music, or software for non-educational purposes. (i.e. games/animations, audio and other visual files.)
- Users must not attempt to harm, modify, add or destroy software or hardware nor interfere with system security.
- Users will not possess any data, which may be considered a violation of these regulations, in paper, electronic storage or any other form.
- Users will not display name or photo to personally identify an individual without receiving written permission.
- Users shall not cheat using technology devices or plagiarize works that are found on the Internet or any other electronic resource.
- Users will not harass, insult, threaten, attack others or use obscene language in written communications, including social media.
- Users will not post anonymous messages.
- Users may not use free web-based email, messaging, video conferencing, or chat services without permission from YSA’s Technology Director.Resource Limitations:
- Activities that are deemed by YSA to cause unreasonable demand on network capacity or disruption of system operation are prohibited.
- Users shall subscribe only to high quality discussion groups or mailing lists that are relevant to their education or professional development.
- Users shall not use YSA’s EIS for commercial purposes or financial gain. This includes the creation, development and offering of goods or services for sale, and the unauthorized purchase of goods or services. District approved purchases will be made following District approved procedures
- The District's portable information systems and educational technology resources such as notebook computers, peripherals, and/or companion devices, will be at the school sites during school hours.
Personal Responsibility:
- I will report any misuse of the EIS to the administration.
- I understand that many services and products are available for a fee and acknowledge my personal responsibility for any expenses incurred without YSA authorization.
- I understand that when I am logged on to YSA computers or electronic devices, that I am ultimately responsible for any activity that occurs on the computer or electronic device under my log-in.
Network Etiquette:
- I am expected to abide by the generally acceptable rules of network etiquette. Therefore:
- I will be polite and use appropriate language. I will not send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages.
- I will respect privacy. I will not reveal any home addresses, or personal phone numbers, or personally identifiable information.
- I will avoid disruptions. I will not use the EIS in any way that would disrupt the use of the systems by others.
When communicating electronically, I will observe the following considerations:
- Be brief.
- Strive to use correct spelling and make messages easy to understand.
- Use short and descriptive titles for articles.
- Post only to known groups or persons.
Young Scholar’s Academy specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy of information. While Young Scholar’s Academy will make an effort to ensure access to proper materials, the user has the ultimate responsibility for how the EIS is used and bears the risk of reliance on the information obtained.
Rev. 4/2019